Our Philosophy

The Randazzo School educational program incorporates six objectives:

1. Bonding, nurturing and assuring that developmental milestones are successfully met

2. Mastery of communication and mathematical skills

3. Promotion of critical thinking and the use of creativity

4. Exposure to our society's accumulated body of knowledge (Sciences, Social Sciences and History)

5. Appreciation for the beauty found within our culture (the Arts, Music and Literature)

6. Development of social skills, values and a positive self-concept

The Randazzo School believes that in the right environment and with appropriate teaching / learning resources, nearly all students can apply creative and critical thinking skills and master a curriculum designed to provide them with the tools to maximize their potential, be a productive member of our society and see the beauty in themselves and others.

The recognition that students learn in different ways and at different rates of speed is a basic concept.

In order to provide an optimum learning environment, instruction is individualized to match the competency of each student in math, language arts and science.

Students are closely monitored as to the skills they have mastered, as well as in those areas requiring additional attention. The faculty believes that within the context of a relevant and stimulating educational environment, each student will determine how quickly he or she is capable of moving through the required course work. By not labeling students, each is encouraged to learn required subject matter above and beyond limitations and boundaries.

The primary goal of the school is to create a series of successful and enjoyable experiences for each student. The Randazzo student is encouraged to strive for personal achievement to acquire a lifelong hunger for learning.

Ronald D. Simon Ed.D. Owner & Headmaster