
The Randazzo School is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) who have evaluated our school's academic standards, school philosophy, teacher qualifications, administration, and facilities.

On March 6, 2018, The Randazzo School completed an extensive accreditation process that culminated with a two day visit by a distinguished group of educators representing FCIS. During this period of time, every facet of our school was examined and interviews of teachers, parents and students were conducted to determine if our school measures up to our philosophy.

We are proud to announce that the Board of Directors of FCIS has extended our school's accreditation. The evaluation team was impressed with the overall school program and the dedication of faculty and staff. As noted in the Final Report, "The faculty and staff work closely and well together. They communicate, are flexible and share resources and responsibilities well. The students seem happy and comfortable in their learning environment. Multi-age classroom environments allow for students to be challenged at a level that meets their needs."

The evaluation team included a "Special Commendation" section in the Final Report:

  • Students actively participate in their classes and the dedicated teachers have created a safe, caring and nurturing classroom environment.

  • There is a compelling sense of collegiality among the faculty and administration and an equally strong commitment to student success.

  • Parents appreciate and are dedicated to the school for the unique program it provides.

The Randazzo School would like to thank the FCIS Board and the members of the evaluation team for their professionalism and guidance. We would also like to congratulate the staff and faculty of the Randazzo School whose tireless efforts made the successful evaluation possible.

Click on the logo below for more information about FCIS.