Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as per Child Care Licensing and Enforcement, the Department of Children and Families and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Randazzo School has made changes to many of its protocols. The following procedures are put in place to ensure the safety of all of the children, staff and families in our school.
Only essential staff members will be allowed to enter the building. All staff members will have their temperature taken before entering the building and must answer some basic questions about their health. If a staff member is found to be sick, they will be sent home immediately. All staff will also be required to sanitize their hands upon entry to the building and wear a mask. In addition, as per the CDC, all children over the age of 3 years old must wear masks.
Parents will not be permitted to enter the building. A staff member will be assigned to the front entrance to receive the children. Before entering the building, children will have their temperature taken with a forehead scan and parents will be asked the same basic health questions as the staff. If the child has a normal temperature and is in good health, the staff member will sign them in and escort the child to their classroom. The same protocol will be followed during pickup.
If your child gets sick during the day while in our care, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child. Due to the limited staff members that will be in attendance at this time, we require you to immediately pick up your child and keep them home for 24 hours. In addition, you must provide a doctor’s note stating that your child is not contagious in order for your child to return to school.
During the school day, students will remain with their respective teachers and not combine with other students or staff. They will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently and remain 6 feet apart to the extent possible. Water fountains cannot be utilized at this time. We encourage parents to send your child to school with bottled water. However, the school can provide water from coolers or pitchers using disposable cups if needed.
To ensure minimal contact, only one group of students will be allowed on the playground at designated times. Some equipment use may be limited as well. The playground and bathrooms will be sanitized after each use to lessen the spread of germs. During nap time, students will be placed 6 feet apart while napping and no mask will be required at this time.
Due to a mandate from Broward County Childcare Licensing, the ratios in each classroom have been reduced. There can be no more than 10 people in a classroom including the teacher. Students will not change classrooms during the day. They will remain in the same group/room during the time they are in the building. Due to this rule, we are unable to offer our customary before-care and after-care services at this time. The school day will begin at 8:00 am and end at 3:00 pm. As restrictions are eased or removed, the school day hours may change.
At the end of each day, our teachers will clean all materials before going home and our cleaning crew will come in to clean the school thoroughly on a nightly basis.
We ask that you follow the new guidelines to ensure the safety of everyone. Due to the seriousness of COVID-19, if the above procedures are not followed, we will have to remove your child from the school and they will not be allowed to return.